How We'll Help You

The growing use of the STEEL BY™ logo on products, premises, and promotional material will multiply the impact of every program member’s marketing efforts. Companies which participate in the STEEL BY™ program become part of a nationwide campaign which is building the individual brands of members by associating them with the brand strength of BlueScope Steel. The cumulative result will be a level of recognition and STEEL BY™ brand preference which would otherwise be beyond the resources of most companies.
Members’ Help Line
Our customers tell us that one of the advantages of using steel supplied by BlueScope Steel is the knowledge that there is a local source available when technical support is required. We’re proud of the expertise we’ve assembled over decades and proud to have been of assistance to customers large and small. As a participant in the STEEL BY™ program you’re entitled to a special level of technical support. We’ve established a STEEL BY™ Members Only Helpline.
Media Exposure
A significant number of Australian companies are innovating their way to success, succeeding against a tide of imports, establishing new markets or reshaping old ones, even breaking into export markets – and more than a few of them are active participants in the STEEL BY™ program. As part of our commitment to promote the program for the benefit of all members, we’ve employed communications professionals to publicise these successes.
The STEEL BY™ program is a major activity which confirms BlueScope Steel’s commitment to Australian industry. It is supported by a substantial national advertising schedule reaching tens of thousands of key decision makers.
In addition BlueScope Steel undertakes extensive advertising and promotion of its premium product brands, COLORBOND®, ZINCALUME® and TRUECORE®, which are the products you use.
Online Exposure
BlueScope Steel’s website attracts 100,000 visits each month. Our online visitors are often your prospects. They’re not just casual web browsers, but people with a serious and current interest in Australian made steel products. We’ll make sure they get the STEEL BY™ message so that they’ll make the connection between quality local products and your company.